Friday, 22 February 2013

Reform Audit Support System

The Reform Audit Support System (RASS) has been sponsored and supported by the Attorneys Fidelity Fund (AFS) since inception. The project was originally piloted by the Kwazulu-Natal Law Society. The AFS has officially taken over RASS as a permanent project. So what is this project and will it assist you as an attorney?

What is the Reform Audit Support System?

The program was initiated to assist attorneys and the attorneys fidelity fund to:
  • reduce the cost of audits;
  • reduce the risk of fraud and the theft of trust funds;
  • assist attorneys in understanding the applicable Law Society Rules and sections of the Attorneys Act and how to apply them in their attorneys trust accounting.

Audits verses RASS inpections

RASS was established as an alternative to audits offered by auditing firms. The RASS project is funded by the Attorneys Fidelity Fund. This means that an attorney would not need to pay to have inspections done by RASS. If an attorney were not on the RASS program, they would have to pay for the audit of their firm's trust accounts. RASS is free.
With the amendments in the companies act, which minimise the audit requirement of incorporated companies, their are great advantages of moving to the RASS project and not needing your auditor any longer.

Should you be scared of RASS?

If you have stolen trust money, best you own up quick.
RASS is a system to help attorneys to comply. Our experience with RASS has been positive. They try to assist attorneys to correct any errors in trust accounts.

How can you join RASS?

To join the Reform Audit Support System you will need to complete their application form and be placed on their waiting list. We would be happy to assist you in this process.

How can Business Soul Accounting assist?

We are very experienced in attorneys trust accounting. In fact, Sheldon Conway, our director, was a senior member of the Reform Audit Support System. We have a good understanding of the RASS system and the requirements that need to be fulfilled.
Since 2001, we have been assisting attorneys with their trust accounting. As professional accountants and tax practitioners we can help prepare your business annual financial statements, management accounts and tax returns. With our intricate knowledge of attorneys trust accounting we can help solve any problems you may have and resolve any concerns in the correct manner.

Friday, 15 February 2013

State of the Nation Address South Africa 2013

President Zuma, presented his State of the Nation Address to South Africa on the 14 February 2013. The historical celebrated Valentines day. No love story was given. In this usual fashion he continued with business.
GDP growth is expected to be down to 2.5 from 3 of last year. A program for development is once again on the cards.

Expectation was in the air about how he was going to deliver on job creation to stimulate the economy and satisfy the throngs of young people desperate for work. Unfortunately in the four years of President Zuma serving in office, progress has not been quick enough to satisfy the demand. This year he has confirmed R3 billion has been approved for job creation incentives. These incentives are expected to be paid out to business owners who can employ new youth as part of the scheme.

Education was another hot topic on the agenda. Has enough been done to attend to the education needs of our children? Concerns over the state of schools in rural areas continues to be a problem. Our concern should not be the schools and what they look like but rather that whether the children are receiving the education they need to prepare them for life? Are we growing young entrepreneurs for the future who can create the jobs? 98 new schools have been repaired and established replacing mud schools. Emphasis was placed on the Grade 12 pass rate which is on an upward trend. More to improve Maths, science and technology are high on the agenda. These skills need to be developed in schools. Education is an essential service for our nation. We need to take education more seriously. Remuneration investigations of teachers salaries, has become a priority.

Health care was a focus in the last year and hospitals around the country are being upgraded. Unfortunately the service levels within most hospitals remains low. Are we educating and equipping our nurses with the self-motivation to care for their patients? President Zuma commented on the implementation of the national health plan in 2013. There have been 533 clinics developed and improved in 10 in pilot areas.

Land reform is a highly immotive topic in South Africa. One that needs to be resolved within constitution. We need to be mindful of food security and farmer training when implementing land reform, said President Zuma. The government has no been able to meet land reform targets. The willing buyer willing seller system will be done away with. An adequate compensation system will replace this. 

Almost in the same breath, President Zuma raised the fact that urbanisation increased to 63 percent of the population. He seemed to intimate that it is more crucial to develop urban areas than it was to implement land reform. Due to the fact that most young South African people are more interested in business in urban areas than having to work on rural farms. He emphasised the need to help municipalities develop urban areas.

Rail development was a major point from the previous State of the Nation address. There has not been much visible effect since last years speech in the development of rail in South Africa. Majuba rail is to begin soon. Initial work on port in Durban has begun. A plan is still in place to develop rail. R860 billion has been spent on infrastructure in the past year. Other ports development has begun. Airport development has also begun. There is however talk of long term plans to develop rail throughout Africa to connect the country. Using natural resources in Africa to power such an effort. How is Africa going to pull together to make this strategy a reality?

Electricity infrastuture is developing at the same time, with some green energy in the basket.

The focus this year is on implementation.

President Zuma commented that the mining sector has had a difficult period. Nationalisation concerns have been laid to rest. A tax system review will be done, to see that it supports public spending requirements. This will include a review of the mining sector taxes.
International companies are going to need to invest and work in Africa to develop the infrastructure required. Is South Africa ready for trading companies of international status or is Mauritius going to take the lead in the SADC region with more favourable tax regimes? South Africa has previously mentioned implementing more favourable tax systems to become the trading hub of Africa but we are yet to see a competitive proposal.

The president still has a long term, 20 year, infrastructure development plan for South Africa. The country has to keep on track from year to year to achieve this. This years budget speech appeared to have less promise and more of let's get down to business. Implementation is the key.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Provisional Tax 2013

Provisional tax returns are due shortly for companies and individual provisional taxpayers with a February year end.

What is provisional tax? 

Unlike income tax, provisional tax is an estimate rather than an accurate calculation of income tax for the year. The estimate is determined by review your year to date income statement, to take a good guess at what your profit will be for the year. Provisional tax is then calculated off the estimated profit at normal tax rates.

How often do we submit the returns?

Provisional tax returns are submitted twice a year. Normally August and February. A top up payment can be made in September of the following year, if needs be.

What should we consider when preparing the estimate?

The are a number of expenses at year end that are not in the accounts when reviewing the income statement for provisional tax. Consider:
  • What creditors you will still need to pay that are not posted; 
  • Depreciation of fixed assets;
  • Interest on loans not yet posted; 
  • Bonuses not yet paid;
  • Bad debts that need to be written off.
Each business will have different expenses to consider.

Why pay now?

Consider provisional tax as a forced savings. Unfortunately the interest rate is not great. If you overpay your provisional tax you will be refunded. So save the tax now while the cash is still around.

If you need help with your provisional tax, please contact us.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Trade Marks

Trade Marks protect the interest and brand of your company.
Your companies reputation depends on the strength of that brand.

See this article posted today by the CIPC.
Please contact us if you need assistance with registering your Trade Mark.

Dear CIPC Customer

Are you aware that enterprise registration does NOT give you protection
to use your enterprise name as a TRADE MARK?

To protect your trade mark you need to lodge a separate application
for a trade mark registration.

What is a trade mark?
A trade mark is a brand name, a slogan, a logo, or any combination
hereof that you use in trade, to distinguish your business and the goods
you sell or the services you provide, from the goods or services of others.

Registration of a trade mark will present the following benefits for your business:
  • You can be sure that no one else will be allowed to use your trade mark in relation to your specific business and will protect your reputation in, and rights to, the trade mark;
  • Use of your trade mark can be licensed to others, thus creating franchising opportunities,
  • Trade marks are an important tool for building a company's reputation; and
  • Trade marks play a vital role in the branding and marketing strategies of companies