Don't be flustered and confused about EMP501 easyfile reconciliations. There are four things to remember:
1. Create certificates for each employee. If you use a payroll system, you can import the payroll information. If not, edit employees and add the certificate. Once you have completed each employees certificate for the relevant year, move onto step two.
2. The Declaration, is to reconcile submitted and paid returns from the year. Print the SARS statement from efiling. Compare the statement to your payroll and EMP201's submitted. Check the amounts paid. Once complete, click Self Assess and then Ready to Submit.
3. Submit to SARS. Check that all your information is correct. Tick the relevant year. Click the submit button. You will need to put your efiling user name and password in. The entire reconciliation is sent to SARS.
4. Generate IRP5's. Under Utilities look down the menu to find Generate IRP5. Tick the correct year. Then click Generate. This process will save the IRP5 certificates onto your computer.
Keep with these for basic principles. Hope your filing season goes well.
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